Gaia Community's Earth Healer

No. 43                                                                                                                             Fe;  Feb. 2001

Sunday Schedule

January 28th, All Souls UU Church (all activities start at 4 PM)

"2001: A Space Odyssey." A journey through inner space into our future to envision the fate of our planet, our race (the human race), and ourselves." Facilitated by Team II -- Kitty Degler, Carey Oxler, Paul Gorbas, Leslie Gorbas, and Cin Lacy. Jr. High class will join the adults in the ritual.

KidSpace: Celtic Tree Alphabet

February 4th, All Souls UU Church (all activities start at 4 PM)

Ritual "Lighting the Fire of Healing" Imbolc. We celebrate the growing of the light at this season, and honor the vo and honor the volunteers whose creative energy adds to the fire. Jr. High class will join the adults in the ritual. A potluck dinner will be following the ritual!

KidSpace: Celtic

February 11th, All Souls UU Church

1:30-3:30 p.m., Ritual for Business – see agenda items inside newsletter. Room I, lower level. Please enter through playground entrance.

4:00 p.m. - Sharing Our Spirits -- A spontaneous, co-created ritual. Theme: "Healing Dance – a dance given from the Goddess". Bring your songs, poetry, stories, chants, wisdom, dancing feet or silence to share. Jr. High class will join the adults in the ritual.

KidSpace: African

February 18th, All Souls UU Church (all activities begin at 4 PM)

Ritual "The Aquarian Conspiracy - New Member Sunday" Facilitated by Team IIIilitated by Team III Barb Johnson, Cathy Combs, Rob Potter, Stefanie Rosedaughter. Read more about this ritual!

KidSpace: African

February 25th, All Souls UU Church (all activities begin at 4 PM)

4:00 p.m. - Class: "Healing with Crystals" Deborah Darple, co-owner of Amazing Rocks and Jewelry and local psychic, will offer her introductory class on crystal healing.

KidSpace: African

March 4th, All Souls UU Church (all activities begin at 4 PM)

Ritual "Contact: Pioneer 10 Message of Peace" Jr. High class will join the adults in the ritual.

KidSpace: African

Splinters from the Board

Minister’s Report to the Board

We are still waiting for news regarding Sherry’s parole. The attendance at the Friday night rituals to unwind is dwindling due to lack of heat & the holidays. She was very pleased with Dec 2 visioning meeting & creation of the dragons. She has made 1 pastoral care visit, 2 weddings, co-led winter solstice, wit & wisdom of Harry Potter, pastoral care meeting, and about a dozen pastoral care calls per day. The committee on ministry still needs another person, by the way … Vicky has bought her new house, but is still officing out of her old house, (please remember to honor her Tuesdays off!) … Andrew & Vicky continue their weekly (Wednesday) staff meetings.

Other items:

John has been in contact with a gentleman who owns a building fairly close to the office that he was willing to lease long-term on a very friendly basis. We need to check it out & come up with what we need. It’s the old Hallmark warehouse and llmark warehouse and it needs extensive renovations. Might have been be condemned if it weren’t historic. But, there’s empty land adjacent to it.

What are our requirements? What do we need in a location?

Wish List: Office space … Minister’s office – actually, Vicky doesn’t want one … Somewhere we can be for at least 2 years as a "starter home" … Large Ritual space – modular & flexible … Storage space … KidSpace classrooms – 3 rooms, (one for Nursery) big enough for 10 kids … KidSpace storage … Bathrooms … Handicapped accessibility … Parking … Adjacent land for outdoor ritual space/garden

We could ask All Soul’s if we can stay here & pay for our Sunday usage. But frankly, they’re ready for us to move on. It’s time for the fledgling to leave the nest.

There’s the Athenaeum on Linwood– we should check it out!!!

Get a survey on the website of feedback for site searches…

Tabled the Missouri Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice appointment until the February 11th RfB due to the lack of publication regarding the issue. Website & Social Justice will get on this ASAP. [Read the article "Be in the ‘Know’ for moreKnow’ for more information about this upcoming vote].

Ritual for Business dates:

Sunday, February 11th, 2001

1:30-3:30 p.m. at All Souls, Room I lower level. Please enter through playground door. Please contact Kitty Degler to be put on the agenda.

Be in the "Know"
Information for the next big Board vote!

Gaia has been asked to join in with other groups to support the Missouri Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice. We will be deciding at the next RFB on February 11th, 2001 at 1:30 PM about whether or not we as a community wish to join in this. So read further and make your decision by your prescence at the next meeting!

Incorporated in 1982, the Missouri Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice is a statewide organization of major faith groups and religious/ethical organizations which are pro-choice. Our vision statement reads:

"The Missouri

"The Missouri Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice is a coalition of faith groups and individuals who work toward an educated society in which people make reproductive choices freely and according to conscience and faith."

We are a coalition of 18 diverse religious organizations (represented on the Governing Board, and listed at the left on the letterhead), several Endorsing Congregations, and many individuals. We are actually two separate not-for-profit corporations: the Missouri RCRC, which holds IRS 501 (c)(3) status, for educational and service work; and, the Missouri RCRC Fund, which holds IRS 501 (c)(4) status, for political advocacy. We are a state affiliate of the national Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice, and share in its mission:

"The Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice brings the moral power of religious communities to ensure reproductive choice through education and advocacy. The Coalition seeks to give clear voice to the reproductive issues of people of color, those living in poverty, and other underserved populations."

Gaia Board Members

President: Kitty Degler
Vice-President: Cathy Combs
Heather Ventura

Carey Oxler

Stephen Bland
John Edwards
Paul Gorbas
Minister: Vicky Combs


Financial Matters
By Heather Ventura

As I write this I have Gaia Community bank statements and ledgers under my arms. It is the middle of January. We have $856.38 in the bank. I've been starring at the ledger all day, but the figures have not changed. I find myself waiting for that horrible feeling I get in the pit of my stomach when money is low and bills have to be paid (payroll being the biggest still to be paid on the 30th). I have watched in amazement the last two months as we have pulled together and paid our bills at the last minute. Perhaps that is why the feeling is not coming, perhaps now I am confident we will pull it off one more time this month. Our grants are coming in sometime in February which will set us right again. With some planning, skill, wise ome planning, skill, wise decisions, and a pinch of luck we can avoid "lean" months in the future. If you ever have any fund raising ideas please feel free to share them with Stefanie or myself via phone or email if you can't attend meetings. Actually that goes for any ideas or suggestions regarding finances/stewardship.

The next Financial/Stewardship Committee meeting will be Sunday, February 18th, 2001, at 2:30pm at the Gaia Office.

What's New with Stew:
A report on Gaia Stewardship
Submitted by Stefanie Rosedaughter

Thanks to our new treasurer Heather Young Ventura, I was able to compose accurate "pledge update" letters in November. Your quick responses to these letters, plus the profits from the Winter Bazaar and some generous donations helped us survive the last few months. Gaia's pulse is beating stronger than before though we are not quite out of the Intensive Care Unit.

I look forward to the January 21st, 2:3he January 21st, 2:30 meeting at the Gaia Office, when Stewardship and Finance will at last come together as a united front. By the time you read this article, I hope that: (1) the 2001 pledge drive will be underway, (2) you will have told me all your great fundraising ideas, (3) an Ambassador Party will be on the agenda, (4) I will have started at least one grant proposal, and (5) we have generated a "timeline" for Stewardship tasks.

Despite my idealistic notion that ALL OF US should be stewards for Gaia, an actual committee would help us in achieving our goals. If you could not make the 1/21 meeting and are interested in the creative challenge of generating the green stuff, please contact me via  E-Mail.

The Gaia Community is moving!

Effective December 31, 2001, the Gaia Community will be meeting and celebrating in its new home.

Between now and then, we need to figure out where that new home will be.

Our agreement for the use of All Souls is drawing to an end, and it is time for us, as a fledgling congregation, to leave the nest. Finding a new home that suits us and that we can afford will be a challenge that will take everyone working together to meet. Please take the time to fill out and return the questionnaire included with this newsletter, so that your opinion is included. Better yet, join the site committee. If you are interested, contact John Edwards or Barbara Griggs.

Because Gaia is incorporated in Missouri, we are currently restricting the search to that part of the greater Kansas City area. If you are aware of any suitable space for rent or sale, please let the committee know where and if possible, who to contact. Consider vacant schools, vacant churches, warehouses…whatever your creativity suggests.

Submitted by Andrew Turner, Director of Children’s Programs

KidSpace needs a committee chair!

If you would like the position talk to Kim Bowie or Andrew Turner and they will happily help you out on all the needed information!

We’re always on the make for new KidSpace teachers, especially our Jr. High class right now. Don’t worry if you got no formal schooling, we can teach you how to do it, and we won’t throw you to the wolves, I mean kids, alone (unless of course you’re just darn good like Kim).

We are also currently working on upcoming kid’s community projects.

Feel free to email me.  Raucous and Joyful Blessings,


President’s Column
t’s Column
What’s in a Phrase?
By Kitty Degler

Perhaps it is the marketer/public relations person in me that likes to find simple words and phrases that describe things well –that allow one to say a lot in a few words. In the past when I’ve tried to describe Gaia Community, I’ve said things like – "We’re an earth-based spiritual community." "In structure we’re like a church, but we honor the earth as sacred and our worship style is different." "We’re an earth-based Unitarian Universalist congregation."

When Khyrsso was here last month doing research for his seminary school paper, he described what Gaia Community was doing as "congregational paganism."

I don’t know if the phrase is his own or someone else’s but I like it. I’ve always believed we were part of a new movement in earth-based spirituality toward more structure so our belief system could grow, thrive and continue long past when we were gone. I feel in just two words, congregational paganism implies structure, stability, community andty, community and paganism.

It may be a phrase that is most useful in describing us to practicing pagans who are more familiar with a coven or grove structure. I offer it as something you might find useful when you describe Gaia Community to your friends and invite them to come visit us. Being brought by a friend is the number one way people discover congregations.

If learning how to talk about Gaia Community and Unitarian Universalism is something of interest to you, check out the info on the upcoming Sharing Our UU Faith workshop described elsewhere in this newsletter. We need four interested and committed people who would like to attend and bring back and share what they learn with the rest of the community.



Minister’s Musings
By Vicky Combs

[This column is adapted from one of my recent listserve postings. Comments in quotes are from one member’s contribution to a very imporibution to a very important discussion that took place on line.]

Recently a respected member of our congregation wrote that Gaia Community's "absolute core function" is "the spiritual well being of the individuals within the community". If, as minister, I have done something to contribute to that impression, then mine is a failure of the first order and I apologize.

As I reread our Mission - Covenant statement, which I have done several times today alone, I cannot see in it that narrow a focus for our energies or purpose. Caring for our individual members' spiritual well being is ONE thing that we do, and a VERY important one. But we are UU pagans and a UU congregation, thus, as has always been part of our 200+ year tradition, helping make the world a better place to live is an equally vital function.

Of course, we won't all agree on which person to support for office, or which side to take on any given political issue, even spouses and partners don't always agree on that. But it is always part and parcel of taking a moral stand that we risk "offending and/or alienating some existing and/oexisting and/or potential members."

Dante said the hottest places in hell are reserved for those, who in times of great moral crisis maintain their neutrality. And Universalist P. T. Barnum once wrote that the purpose of the church is to "comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable."

If we oppose petrochemical farming and encourage our members to buy organic, yes, we'll probably offend someone working for IBP, Cargill, ADM, or closer to home, Farmland Industries. But that is the risk we take. When All Souls became an institutional member of the MO Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice they risked alienating some folks, but that didn't stop them from doing what they believed was right. When Third Unitarian of Chicago came out as a congregation in support of reasonable hand gun control even though one of their largest pledgers was a hard core member of the NRA, they did so in good conscience knowing the risk they took.

As a minister I believe that part of caring for an individual's spiritual well being is encouraging them to look beyond their personal self interest to that of the wider community. True, activism in the wider community must be limited when a congregation is young and has many internal organizational and pastoral needs. But it is a disservice to s a disservice to our spiritual well being to abandon it completely or to not take a stand when needed. And, yes, often those stands are political and emotionally charged. But conflicting opinion is NOT bad if a good process is followed to hear everyone out. Still, one must take a stand in the end.

As our search for possible office partners (a cost saving measure) continues, I hope we won’t limit our choice based on fear of "offending" someone. That is a recipe for failure. Gaia Community has a powerful and inspiring Mission - Covenant statement. Just taking our Mission – Covenant to heart and living by it will deeply offend many, so let's get offendin'!!

For the Earth,


Could this be you?

Gaia needs your face to grace our website! If you are intersted contact">Cheryl Maher.


New Member Sunday: February 18, 2001
Submitted by Cathy Combs

Please join us in the celebration of our first New Member Sunday of the new millennium. This is the day where we honor and welcome all those who have completed the most recent new member class.

I always look forward to New Member Sunday as a very special way to welcome those people who are affirming that Gaia Community is their spiritual home, a place where they feel comfortable, loved and inspired!! It is our opportunity, as well, to share in the love and joy and presence of all those around us. Please join us on this very special day. Welcome to each of you!!!!

Exciting Classes Ahead!
News from your Adult P">News from your Adult Programming team

February 25th Healing with Crystals 4-6 p.m.

Deborah Darple, co-owner of Amazing Rocks and Jewelry and local psychic, will offer her introductory class on crystal healing.

March 25th Cahokia: City of the Sun 4-6 p.m.

Vicky Combs and Barbara Johnson will show the video Cahokia Mounds: Ancient Metropolis in preparation for our Gaia Community field trip to this world cultural and historical site just east of St. Louis scheduled for June 15-16, 2001.

UU Connections
Submitted by Vicky Combs

Don’t forget the Prairie Star District Annual Conference will be April 27-29th in Minneapolis, MN. This is a great opportunity for networking, workshops, and just plain fun! Several of us will be going so we can caring so we can carpool. Any takers? Contact Vicky or Kitty.

For those actively involved in the lay leadership of Gaia Community and wanting a much more in depth experience, think about attending Midwest Leadership School July 7-14 or July 14-21 in beautiful Beloit, WI. Those who have attended this weeklong lay leadership training say it was a transformative experience. People return fired up with a passion for sharing our Pagan UU message and the skills to make it happen. Gaia Community provides a partial scholarship and you pay the rest. If you are interested in making this kind of commitment to our growth and well being,

They were Kung Fu Fighting –
Submitted by Stephen Ventura

Classes in Shaolin-Ssu Kung Fu will be offered in the near future, date(s) to be announced. This class will offer a full range of technique from hard to soft, and will include breathing/meditation exercises as well. I have taught this style to many this style to many different people, and am able to tailor a program to fit your individual needs. Group classes are tentatively planned for Saturday afternoons at the Gaia Office, depending on the amount of interest. Private lessons are also a possibility. If you are interested, please contact Stephen Ventura.

Chant Choir!
Submitted by Kitty Degler

Chant "choir" organizing meeting -- Sunday, February 18, 2-3:30 p.m. at All Souls UU Church. We'll sing some chants, play with harmony and figure out what we want to be and when and how often we want to meet. Contact Kitty Degler for questions.

Pledge Sunday Ritual and Organizing meeting –

Sunday, February 4, 1:30 p.m. at All Souls UU Church, downstairs. Pledge Sunday is scheduled for April 1. Our theme is "The Laws of Acquiquot;The Laws of Acquisition: Don't Let the Ferenghi get to you first!" We need lets of creativity here and are expecting members of Ritual Team III, the Finance/Stewardship committee, our minister, and others who'd like to help plan and organize this event to attend the meeting. If you're a "Trekkie" and can help with Star Trek lore or have a copy of the Ferenghi Laws of Acquisition, please come help! Contact Stefanie Rosedaughter for more information.

"Gorillas in your Midst"
by Caroline Oates

Drum roll please! As you may or may not have heard by now, I am playing the lead roll in Gorilla Theatre's production of George Bernard Shaw's

"Major Barbara" *big grin* As I write this on the eve of sharing our Martin Luther King Jr. Ritual with you tomorrow, I am struck by how timely this nearly 100 year old script still is.

Here's what you really need to know about the Where and When:



Directed by Regina Przetak

Jan 24 - Feb 17 at the Just Off Broadway Theatret Off Broadway Theatre

Performances will be Wednesdays and Thursdays at 7:30 p.m. and Fridays and Saturdays at 8:00 p.m. There will also be matinee performances at 2 p.m. on Saturday, February 3 and 10. The Just-Off-Broadway Theatre is located at 3051 Central (31st and Wyandotte) in Penn Valley Park. Tickets will be $12, $10 for students and seniors, and $8 for groups of 10 or more. For ticket information, call the Central Ticket Office at 816-235-2700. For all other information, contact Gorilla Theatre at

816-471-2737 or check the website


Now, What is this play about, you may wonder?

Well, "Major Barbara" is a story of conversions. Barbara, a major in the Salvation Army, is the daughter of a wealthy munitions manufacturer. Through the Army she has devoted her life to helping the poor. Upon meeting her father again as an adult, after a lifetime of separation, she is forced to face the hypocrisy of not only the society she lives in but of her own life. She struggles to redefine what is

sacred and to redefine her own religion and morality in terms of this new found "reality of hypocrisy".

This is a highly provocative play. ly provocative play. You'll laugh, you'll cry - It's better than CATS! Please come! Bring a Friend - Hey, Bring Two Friends!

See you there!



Februay 4th 1:30 PM Pledge Sunday Ritual and Organizing meeting –at All Souls UU Church, downstairs.

February 8th 8 PM to 9 PM Pagans in Recovery will be meeting at the Gaia office. Anyone whose life is impacted by an addiction, their own or someone else's, are welcome to attend.

February 11th 1:30-3:30 p.m. Ritual for Business. at All Souls, Room I lower level. Please enter through playground door. Please contact Kitty Degler to contact Kitty Degler to be put on the agenda.

February 18, 2-3:30 PM Chant Choir organizing meeting at All Souls UU Church.

February 18th 2:30 PM Financial/Stewardship Committee meeting at the Gaia Office.

February 22nd 8 PM to 9 PM Pagans in Recovery will be meeting at the Gaia office. Anyone whose life is impacted by an addiction, their own or someone else's, are welcome to attend.

February 23rd 7 PM The Friday Night Supper Club will be held at Pyramid Café. Everyone is welcome to come and unwind and visit, bring kids, guests, etc. Kinda like what we do after ritual on Sunday except everybody goes to the same place!

February 25th 4 – 6 PM Class: Healing with Crystals Deborah Darple, co-owner of Amazing Rocks and Jewelry and local psychic, will offer her introductory class on crystal healing.

March 25th 4-6 p.m. Class: Cahokia: City of the Sun All Souls UUA Church.

"A Pagan Love Song"
Written by Stefanie Rosedaughter,
December 1999

This little contest winner is an eight-line ballad with typical tetrameter rhythm and a slant-rhyme/full-rhyme alteration. The poem will appear in the anthology Nature's Echoes, Spring 2001.Considering the content, I thought some of you might enjoy it. Copyrights retained by S. Rosedaughter.

Come with me into the woods.
I know a path for us to take
Along Blue River's earthy edge
To watch the muddy waters break. On nearby tracks the Southern Rail
Will rumble past the barren trees;
It's then I'll kiss you to my fill
And lay you soft on winter leaves.

E-mail us at
Please submit newsletter articles, comments, and suggestions to: Cheryl!

Submission deadline is the 15th of the month.

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